...that your elevated glucose & A1C levels put you at risk for type 2 diabetes & that without changing your diet & lifestyle in the next 3 months, you will need medication to manage their condition?
FREE A1C Health®
Open Office Hours with
Lauryn Bryght
Save My Seat!
What are the A1C Health® Office Hours for?
✅ Get your post-doctor’s appointment questions answered!
✅ Stop being confused, scared & doing all the google searches
✅ Stop spinning, eliminate the overwhelm so you can get started right away
What else are these A1C Health® Office Hours for?
- A resource for live Q&A
- Place to hear success stories
- Way to meet new people with the same goals and desires to lower their glucose and A1C levels with diet and lifestyle, not additional medication

"I'm not a doctor but I do have the training and a heart to help you."
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Patient Advocate
A1C Health®
Open Office Hours
Lauryn Bryght
Save My Seat!
Who are they for?
The A1C Health® Office Hours are for you if:

You have a family history of type 2 diabetes.

You have a sweet tooth.

Your doctor has told you your glucose and/or A1C levels are elevated and that you are on the path to being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

You want to reduce your A1C level with diet and lifestyle, not any/additional medication.
Meet Lauryn
I started this mission to help others as a tribute to my father, who after kidney failure and other complications related to his type 2 diabetes, passed away waaayyy too soon.
As his body started shutting down because of the disease, he often talked about wanting nothing more for me than that I manage my health so that I wouldn't have to experience the same suffering that he was having to.
His prayer for me is now mine for you. ❤️
Let's stop Type 2 Diabetes together.
Click the link below to save your seat at one of these free office hours sessions- ask me anything.
I'm here, ready and have the time to help you.
"I'm not a doctor but I do have the training and a heart to help you."
Patient Advocate, Type 2 Diabetes Prevention